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  • 動物 托福閱讀中常涉及動物相關的文章,可能涵蓋生態、行為、保護等方面。考生需理解作者對動物行為和生態系統的觀點,以及保護和生態平衡的相關議題。
  • 環境 涉及氣候變化、生態系統、可持續發展等,考察考生對環境問題的理解。了解不同觀點,以及人類活動對自然環境影響的方式是重要的。
  • 藝術 托福閱讀可能包含有關視覺藝術、音樂、文學等方面的文章。考生需理解作者對藝術形式、風格和影響的看法,以及藝術如何反映文化和歷史背景。
  • 社會 社會議題可能涵蓋教育、政治、社會結構等方面。考生需要理解不同社會議題的影響,並能分辨作者觀點和分析文章的論證結構。
  • 歷史 歷史主題可能涉及特定時期、事件、人物等。考生需理解歷史事件對當時和後世的影響,以及作者對歷史事件詮釋的觀點。


托福閱讀文章「起承轉合」架構不僅涉及內容安排,還涉及作者觀點、論述結構、轉折點等多個方面。通過識別這些結構元素,考生可以更有系統地分析文章,更好地應對測驗的問題。以下列The Mysteries of Lunar History介紹月球起源與歷史的文章為例:

The Moon's genesis remains shrouded in uncertainty. Up until recently, the dominant theory was that the Moon's creation paralleled that of Earth and its fellow planets. In essence, it was believed the Moon emerged from tiny rock shards and gases that were part of a disc-like assembly, known as the solar nebula, encircling the nascent Sun. This nebulous material collided and amalgamated into more substantial entities that eventually evolved into planets.

起 (Introduction):這部分的內容在於 "The Moon's genesis remains shrouded in uncertainty." 此句為主題句,提出了月球起源的不確定性,作為文章的主題。

A fresh theory, now endorsed by a substantial number of scientists, posits that a colossal entity collided with Earth, giving birth to the Moon. This cataclysmic encounter between Earth and a Mars-equivalent body is believed to have hurled vast amounts of the Earth's mantle into space. Some of this displaced matter stayed in Earth's orbit, with the rest either venturing deeper into space or crashing back onto Earth. Echoing the original theory, this celestial material started coalescing and, over time, birthed the Moon. However, despite its appeal, the giant impact theory still leaves many questions unanswered, requiring further validation.

承 (Development):從 "Up until recently, the dominant theory..." 到 "...eventually evolved into planets." 描述了月球起源的傳統理論,即月球的形成與地球和其他行星相似。進一步,"A fresh theory, now endorsed by..." 到 "...requiring further validation." 提供了一個新的理論,即月球可能是由於巨大的撞擊而形成的。這兩段一同發展了月球的可能起源,提供了兩種不同的觀點。

Even as debates about the Moon's origins continue, planetary geologists have successfully discerned basic facets of the Moon's chronicle, using tools like variations in crater density. Put simply, a more densely cratered region signifies a longer-standing topographical feature. In its infancy, the Moon was a magnet for impacts as it attracted remnants from the solar nebula. This relentless assault, possibly combined with radioactive decay, heated the Moon enough to melt its exterior, if not more.

轉 (Transition):"Even as debates about the Moon's origins continue..." 到 "...melt its exterior, if not more."這部分為轉折,說明即使月球的起源還在爭論中,但地質學家已經揭示了月球歷史的某些基本特點。

Once a significant chunk of the remnants was absorbed, the Moon's exterior started its cooling phase, leading to the formation of a solid crust. Analyzing samples brought back by Apollo missions, experts deduce that the Moon's ancient crust largely comprised a calcium-heavy feldspar, known as anorthosite. This mineral, lighter than the molten matter below, rose to the surface. Concurrently, denser elements like iron possibly gravitated inwards, forming a core. And even after the crust's formation, it was a target for constant bombardments. The relics of this primeval crust can be seen on the highland areas with craters, believed to be nearly 4.5 billion years old.

An intriguing phase in the Moon's life is the final heavy bombardment detected in these lunar highlands, taking place about 500 million years post the crust's establishment. The nature of this phase—whether it was a sweeping-up operation of the remaining sizeable debris in the Earth-Moon system or an invasion from external cosmic bodies—remains a puzzle.

承 (Further Development):"Once a significant chunk of the remnants..." 到 "...believed to be nearly 4.5 billion years old." 這部分進一步描述了月球的歷史,特別是其外部的冷卻階段和由阿波羅任務帶回的樣本的分析。"An intriguing phase in the Moon's life..." 這段話提到月球歷史中的另一個重要階段,即月球高地上檢測到的最後的重型轟炸。

Progressing further in the Moon's timeline, we encounter the birth of 'maria basins.' These are expansive craters inundated with lava that gushed from the lunar fissures. The celestial bodies causing these craters displaced huge mounds of lunar rock, with some formations like the Apennine mountains as an aftermath. The frequency of craters in this expelled rock is denser than that in the related basin, proving a significant time gap between these basins' formation and filling. Through radiometric methods, the age of these basaltic maria is found to be between 3.2 and 3.8 billion years, indicating they are relatively younger than the primary crust. Notably, in some regions, the lava flows have encroached upon the highlands, further highlighting the younger age of these maria formations.

The most recent striking additions to the lunar landscape were the rayed craters, with Copernicus serving as a prime example. Ejecta rays from these fresh craters are evident, covering both the maria and the preceding ray-less craters. In contrast, the earlier craters have lost their sharpness over time, with impacts from minor debris erasing their rays. Yet, even a recent formation like Copernicus dates back millions of years—a testament to the Moon's resilience, as such a structure would have eroded on Earth.

合 (Conclusion):從 "Progressing further in the Moon's timeline..." 到文章的結尾,此部分概述了月球的後續歷史發展,包括'maria basins'的形成,以及月球表面上較新的、帶有光線的撞擊坑的形成。綜上所述,文章從月球起源的不確定性開始,描述了兩種關於其形成的主要理論,然後過渡到月球的歷史發展,並以月球表面的最新特點結束。








