
3選1題型從從5月到6月雖然有出現,但頻率變的比較低,只出現了兩次。Task 3 主要為summarize 聽力和閱讀的重點,擷取聽力和閱讀重點加以summarize即可。但Task 5則是口說偏難的題目,要歷經3步驟:先summarize再做出選擇,最後再講原因。以下文章幫同學們將重點劃出,並提供高分應答範本。


從「題型問法」中我們看到,Task 1 只出現「建議類」和「開放觀點類」題型。Task 2 則是除了「是非類」之外還意外出現了「三選一」。至於主題方面,從題目總表我們發現,本月還是以「校園」和「生活相關」為主。

考試時間 考試題目 題型問法
06月02日 Task 1
nstead of printing books in paper version, the university decides to release only online version of textbooks. Discuss at least an advantage and disadvantage of this change. 新題
Task 2
Some professors prefer to answer students’ questions in the end of the lecture, and others stop at different points to answer students' questions. Which style do you think is better for learning?
06月10日 Task 1
Your friend is planning to have a pet, what will you recommend?
Task 2
Your school is cutting the budget of the club, which of the followings do you think should be given less budget?
  • Sports club
  • Academic club
  • Skiing club
6月23日 Task 1
If your friend has a chance to study abroad for 1 year, but when he/she comes back, he/she will have to study for an extra year in school to get a degree. What would you recommend him/her to do?
Task 2
Some people think, with the development of technology and Internet, libraries will disappear, while others think libraries are always necessary. Which one do you agree, and please give specific details to support your opinion.

107/6/2 托福考試中Task 1以類似GRE的題目出現優缺點比較題型。注意下面題目中"at least one"若題目指要求提出"至少1個"優缺點,千萬要提到2-3個才能拿高分。以下提供優缺點比較題型應答範本,裡面優缺點各提供了3個要點。

2018/6/02 Task 1 口說考題優缺點比較題型應答範本

Instead of printing books in paper version, the university decides to release only online version of textbooks. Discuss at least one advantage and disadvantage of this change. [compare and contrast]

As the world is going digitalized at a phenomenal speed, textbooks in university may also go completely online. This, however, could both be a boon and a bane. This practice certainly suggests a range of advantages: it is convenient, portable, at students’ disposal whenever and wherever they want to use the online resources. Digitalized books are also nature-friendly, saving much paper and chemical ink for publication. Being digitalized also means the ease to be stored, shared, and edited for other academic purposes—such as dissertation citations. Being only available online, however, speaks of some downsides. While not everyone gets used to reading on the screen, some groups are not provided with electronic devices or broad band services at home so that reviewing textbooks will be troublesome. Most importantly, as students can only access the information through computers or smartphones, they could be subjected to myopia or other concerns.

因為優缺點各要提到2-3點,速度要快,第句即點明立場。答題範本內 代表優點; 代表缺點。


Task 3 + Task 5:校園場景相關

TASK 3 聽力觀點


TASK 3 閱讀主題


TASK 5 主題


Task 3聽力出現100%全面支持觀點的現象。Task 5主題為金錢困難、時間衝突和人際關係各出現了一次。2018年5月【托福口說】考題預測、4月考情分析提過針對「同意觀點」的題目,因為聽力部分不會花太多時間重覆閱讀中已經給出的原因,反而用來佐證閱讀觀點的細節量和新資訊相對較多。所以回答第3題的題型遇到同意觀點時要避免重複,而是增加細節或資訊來豐富內容。

2018/6/02 Task 3 口說考題作答範本

The reading passage discusses the school’s new policy on orientation for new students. Unlike the past policy, they plan to hold not one but several orientation projects to help freshmen better blend in with the new environment because it allows newcomers more flexibility in participation while the size of the groups will be smaller, making participants closer. The speaker gives much credit to this policy change, and uses herself as the example because her freshmen orientation last year was in conflict with her family trip. With this policy, students will be able to arrange their own activities while still being able to join the orientation. Besides, the speakers also mentions her friend, who once organized an orientation with fewer participants; her example illustrates a small group does help develop a closer bond through some interesting activities during the orientation.

[The reading passage discusses……making participants closer.]為閱讀,裡面說明了2個學校要增加新生活動次數的理由,其它部分則為聽力裡面同意其觀點的資訊。

1. Summarize
2. 做出選擇
3. 說明原因

Task 5是口說裡面偏難的題目,要歷經3步驟:要先summarize再做出選擇,最後再講原因。Task 5範文標註的數字符號① ② ③ 對應下方三步驟的順序。

2018/6/02 Task 5 口說考題作答範本

① According to the passage, the man is facing a dilemma over whether he should go home and change the shirt stained by ketchup or should go to an important presentation by wearing the T-shirt under the stained shirt. If the chooses the former, he will appear more formal for the occasion, but he needs some time rehearsing the presentation. As an alternative, he could wear the sporty T-shirt for the presentation and still have the time to do rehearsal, yet the garment could be a minus for the job. ② Were I in this situation, my choice would certainly be the latter for two obvious reasons: first, what account for the success of presentation are the contents and ways of delivering it rather than what the presenter wears. And second, the garment issue is easy to fix; he could borrow a jacket to cover the stain, or simply borrow a shirt from classmates so it will not be a problem to worry about.

Task 4 + Task 6:學術場景相關





6月份Task 4的主題全數為「心理學」,而Task 6的部分則全部是「生物學」。比較值得一提的是6月份Task 4出現新題,以下為各位同學準備新題作答範本。

2018/6/2 Task 4 口說考題作答範本

The passage introduces the idea “sensation transference.” This idea is actually a business term, suggesting when people are purchasing products, the external packaging will affect how buyers think about the contents inside. To illustrate this concept, the speaker uses an experiment conducted by a food company selling tin can food as the example. In the supermarket, the company displays the food along with the can itself while the same food put in glass jars is also available on the racks. The results suggest more customers are prone to buy the latter and even believe they are more delicious though the food is the same—probably because the food is put in a way resembling how people serve food at home

Task 4的重點在聽力,聽力內容裡會使用一個例子[To illustrate this…開始]來闡述[The passage introduces the idea……contents inside.]部份閱讀的論點。新題容易再出現的機率很高,請同學們特別留意。


特別注意到的是最近很常出現的優缺點比較題型(advantage and disadvantage)之外,還有分類文classification也會出現。以下提供7月份的出題方向。請各位考生們務必在家針對提供各種題型多多練習,練習時也切記要使用手機或是計時器來衡量作答時間上的訓練,畢竟正式考的有作答的時間壓力,平常練習時可以再比正式考時間減少1-2秒作答,正式考時就能更上手。

  1. Which of the following activities do you prefer the most on a Saturday afternoon: doing exercise, watching TV, or staying with your family?
  2. Do you agree or disagree with the statement that young children should learn to draw or paint?
  3. When you have trouble doing assignments, do you prefer to seek help from classmates or professors?
  4. Describe a way to reward yourself after a compliance of the hard work?
  5. Some people think it's good that trains provide quiet compartments where people aren’t allowed to talk loudly or use cellphone, laptops. Some people tend to disagree. What do you think?
  6. What do your friends like the most about you? Your cheerfulness; your kindness; your intelligence. Choose one and explain why. Which of the following is a better source of news? Newspaper or TV?
  7. Some universities do not allow students to watch TV in their dorms. Talk about the advantages and disadvantages of students having TV in their dorms.
  8. Some people think it is better to take classes in the daytime and have a part-time job in the evening. Some people prefer to have a part-time job in the daytime and take classes in the evening. Which do you think is better?
  9. Do you like to work with or without computers and other technology?








