
2018年12月托福口說3選1考題比例下降,僅考一次,「分類文」和「2選1」的問法則是很平均的出現。Task 4和Task 6主題分布在「社會學」和「生物學」兩個主題。Task 5主題出現了3種,除了和前幾個月份較常出現的「時間衝突」和「金錢問題」還有「學習」相關問題。


考試時間 考試題目 題型問法
12月01日 Task 1
What kind of business would you and your friend choose to run?
Task 2
Should teachers give award to students who get good grades in order to increase the competition in class? 命中
12月08日 Task 1
Nowadays people are encourage to use their own usable bags when go shopping to reduce waste, and people who do not bring their own bags will be charged for some fees, talk about the advantages and disadvantages of this policy.
Task 2
When visiting a museum that allows taking photographs, do you prefer to take photographs or just simply look around?
12月15日 Task 1
There are some school fund raising events as follow, which one would you like to attend?
1.Training in sport teams
2.Work behind a popular TV show
3.Working for national government office
Please include details and examples in your response. 命中
Task 2
Do you agree or disagree with the following statement?
Being polite is more important than being truthful
Explain why.
12月16日 Task 1
Your friend wants to purchase a car, but he needs a part-time job to afford it. What advice would you give to him?
Task 2
Your school plans to open the class to the externals for free. They can join the class, but they won't get any credits. What is your opinion on this policy? 命中

從「題型問法」中Task 1 只考了一次「3選1」,其它為「開放觀點」和「建議類」的題型,「描述類」題型本月缺席。Task 2出現「是非類」和「2選1」的題目。至於主題方面,本月還是以「校園相關」為主,其它像是「生活」、「工作」、「朋友」和「校園」等相關的主題也有出現。雖然出現比例下降,但3選1的難度高。

2018/12/15 Task 1 口說3選1新題作答範例

There are some school fund raising events as follow, which one would you like to attend?
1. Training in sport teams
2. Work behind a popular TV show
3. Working for national government office
Please include details and examples in your response.

利用主題句快速破題 When it comes to to taking part in a fund-raising event, the most important concern for me is getting something novel while still being useful to some degree. Therefore, my choice will be working behind a popular TV show for fund-raising. 讓步句+推翻選項 ① 的理由 True, being engaged in this activity related to sports training is certainly useful, but it is too common-place with the ideas of training and sports easily accessible. 讓步句+推翻 ③ 的理由 On the other hand, although asking people you don’t know to support in a political campaign is new and meaningful, yet political interests are kind of too remote and not contributing much in my private universe. 結尾:選擇 ② 理由 Differently, being engaged in a fund-raising activity with the team making a TV program is exciting itself, with the prospects of seeing my favorite stars and learning the life of celebrities; also, being able to do something useful in line with these people—making donations coming true or promoting a social cause—will certainly be practical as well.

主題句表明選擇 推翻選項 1 推翻選項 3 支持選項 2

Task 4必須用聽力的舉例去證實閱讀的內容

Task 3 + Task 5:校園場景相關

TASK 3 聽力觀點

TASK 3 閱讀主題

TASK 5 主題

12月份Task 3的閱讀主題一樣維持常見的「校園政策」和「學生建議」。Task 5 的主題除了常考的「時間衝突」和「金錢問題」之外「學習」的比例在12月份拉高到五成的比例。Task 5是托福口說考試中需要較高答題技巧的題型,主要因為要在短時間內完成2-3句Summarize、1句做出選擇、1-2句的理由,缺一不可。一旦任何一關卡住或是一開始方向錯誤就全盤皆錯。

2018/12/16 Task 5真題作答範例

① 2-3句完成summarize
The issue being explored by the speaker is a cake for a picnic; the speaker tried to do the cake with new ingredients but the result turned not disappointing. Although she could redo the cake by the previous ingredients, it will be rushy and make her late for the picnic. Alternatively, she could still take the cake she already made, yet this may not be a nice treat to cater to everyone's tastebuds.
② 做出選擇 Were I in this situation, I would spend some time to bake another cake, for obvious reasons.
③ 說明2個理由-1 One, having a picnic must be a very special occasion everyone looking forward to; a cake not so good may not achieve the pleasure people expect. ③ 說明2個理由-2 For another, I will explain to everyone that the reason of being late is to re-do the cake; the passion in the task of doing the cake twice will excuse me from being slightly late.

Task 4 + Task 6:學術場景相關



Task 4 「生物學」主題回到了主力的寶座,占了50%,其它則由「心理學」和「商業學」主題各佔25%。Task 6的主題,則由「生物學」和「社會學」包辦,各佔50%。
12月份的托福考試,「生物類」主題不管在Task 4或是Task 6都有出現,尤其是「昆蟲類」。菁英托福點題班課堂上提過,托福最愛考的昆蟲類四大天王分別是「螞蟻」、「蜻蜓」、「蝴蝶」和「蜜蜂」。以下特別挑出12月1日考的螞蟻相關題目作答示範給同學們參考。 Task 4題型中,重點為:use the speaker's opinion to illustrate the points mentioned in reading

2018/12/01 Task 4 真題作答示範

Discussed by the set of passages is the thermophilic insect. This term suggests the creature that prefers living in a super-hot environment because their physical adaptations allow them to achieve some benefits there. To illustrate this point, the speaker uses silver ants as the example. Being fitted with long legs, the silver ant’s body can keep a safe distance with the baked ground in desert which other insects fail to bear. In this regard, the silver ant could feed on creatures or insects that sometimes succumb to the heat, while allowing them to prevent the encounter with other predators sensitive to high heat, such as lizards.


  1. Which of the following activities do you prefer the most on a Saturday afternoon: doing exercise, watching TV, or staying with your family?
  2. Do you agree or disagree with the statement that young children should learn to draw or paint?
  3. When you have trouble doing assignments, do you prefer to seek help from classmates or professors?
  4. Some people think it's good that trains provide quiet compartments where people aren’t allowed to talk loudly or use cellphone, laptops. Some people tend to disagree. What do you think?
  5. What do your friends like the most about you? Your cheerfulness; your kindness; your intelligence. Choose one and explain why.
  6. Some people prefer jobs that require them to work mostly with computers and other technology. Others prefer jobs that do not require them to work with much technology. Which type of job would you prefer, why.
  7. Is it important to be polite and have good manners?
  8. To be successful in sport, which is more important? Talent or hard work?
  9. Describe a way to reward yourself after a compliance of the hard work?
  10. Some people prefer to record life by taking pictures or keeping diaries, others prefer to do nothing. Which do you prefer and explain why.








