Biomimetic Design

劍橋雅思 5-3-3 The Return of Artificial Intelligence

是「人」,還是「機器」生物進化學家安德魯·帕克(Andrew Parker)將一隻澳洲棘蜥的右後腿放入一盤水中,30 秒後,盤 裡的水開始被吸起,高度超過蜥蜴的腿,而牠全身多刺的皮上早已吸附水珠。又過了幾秒鐘,水已到 達牠的嘴巴。事實上,蜥蜴是透過牠的腳喝水的。因此,帕客(Parker)試想,如果將澳洲棘蜥快速 吸水的本能,設計成一種裝置,就可以幫助人們在沙漠中收集救生用水。然而,帕客(Parker)所研 究的生物模擬只是全球仿生運動的一小部分,世界各地的專家也透過動物原始本能,渴望結合各項發 明,讓人類的科技進展更進一步。例如:建築師透過研究白蟻,調節土堆中的溫度、溼度、氣流來建 造更舒適的建築物,醫學研究員仿造細長尖銳的「蚊子嘴」,研發減輕疼痛的注射針頭...

drenched (v) 濕透

The police officers were drenched with sweat.

glisten (v) 因表面光滑或濕潤而閃亮、反光

Leaves with dew drops glisten in the sunlight.

channel (v) 引導,將...引入

The device was designed to channel water away from the buildings.

vigorous (adj) 充滿活力的,廣為響應的,激烈的,熱絡的

The teacher is conducting a vigorous class debate.

agile (adj) 靈活,敏捷的

Sculptors need agile hands to achieve a masterpiece.

aloft (adv) 在高處,在空中

They hold the flag aloft and show their anger.

robotic (adj) 機器人似的

Robotic sweepers are widely used in every household.

maneuverable (adj) 容易操作或控制的

The new washing machine is more maneuverable than the previous models.

surveillance (n) 監視

All the banks in Taiwan install surveillance cameras.

minuscule (adj) 極小的,微小的

I had two minuscule pieces of bread for my lunch.


Biomimetic Design

What has fins like a whale, skin like a lizard, and eyes like a moth? The future of engineering. Andrew Parker, an evolutionary biologist, knelt in the baking red sand of the Australian Outback just south of Alice Springs and eased the right hind leg of a thorny devil into a dish of water.

“Its back is completely drenched!” Sure enough, after 30 seconds, water from the dish had whisked up the lizard’s leg and was glistening all over its prickly hide. In a few seconds more water reached its mouth, and the lizard began to smack its jaws with evident satisfaction. It was, in essence, drinking through its foot. Given more time, the thorny devil can perform this same conjuring trick on a patch of damp sand—a vital competitive advantage in the desert. Parker had come here to discover precisely how it does this, not from purely biological interest, but with a concrete purpose in mind: to make a thorny devil-inspired device that will help people collect lifesaving water in the desert. “The water’s spreading out incredibly fast!” he said, as drops from his eyedropper fell onto the lizard’s back and vanished, like magic. “Its skin is far more hydrophobic than I thought; there may well be hidden capillaries, channeling the water into the mouth.”

Parker’s work is only a small part of an increasingly vigorous, global biomimetics movement. Engineers in Bath, England, and West Chester, Pennsylvania, are pondering the bumps on the leading edges of humpback whale flukes to learn how to make airplane wings for more agile flight. In Berlin, Germany, the fingerlike primary feathers of raptors are inspiring engineers to develop wings that change shape aloft in order to reduce drag and increase fuel efficiency. Architects in Zimbabwe are studying how termites regulate temperature, humidity, and airflow in their mounds in order to build more comfortable buildings, while Japanese medical researchers are reducing the pain of an injection by using hypodermic needles edged with tiny serrations, like those on a mosquito’s proboscis, minimizing nerve stimulation.

Ronald Fearing, a professor of electrical engineering at the University of California, Berkeley, has taken on one of the biggest challenges of all: to create a miniature robotic fly that is swift, small, and maneuverable enough for use in surveillance or search-and-rescue operations. Fearing made his own, one of which he held up with tweezers for me to see, a gossamer wand some 11 millimeters long and not much thicker than a cat’s whisker. Fearing has been forced to manufacture many of the other minute components of his fly in the same way, using a micro-machining laser and a rapid prototyping system that allows him to design his minuscule parts in a computer, automatically cut and cure them overnight, and assemble them by hand the next day under a microscope.


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