


考試時間 考試題目 考試主題 出現日期 題型
08月25日 If you need to take a course, which professor's course would you like to take?
1. a professor who was voted the most popular
2. a professor who has just won an award for an outstanding research 命中
教育學習 新題 2選1
08月26日 How can students or adults achieve good grades/performance?
1. do extra practice or work
2. participate in group discussion 命中


You are about to choose between two professors who will be teaching a course that you must take at your university. If the following statements are the only information available to you about the differences between the two professors, which professor would you choose?

  1. One professor was voted most popular in a survey of students about their teachers
  2. One professor has just been given an award for outstanding research.



  1. 票選最受歡迎的教授
  2. 最近剛得到研究獎項的教授


1 popularity= recognition= approval

  1. 選1的優勢focusing on students’ learning — 選2的缺點buried in research
  2. 選1的優勢teaching styles— 選2的缺點strong knowledge but not able to express in an articulate or easily understandable way
  3. 選1的優勢more available; discussed non-academic issues
    • 1的優勢easy to get alone with /lab hours
    • 1的優勢popular= more classmates— 2的缺點 fewer such opportunities

2 academics-oriented professor

  1. 選2優勢knowledge— 選1的缺點not focusing on disseminating knowledge itself[jokes; personal affairs ]
  2. 選2的優勢fewer classmates; more time and room for tutelage—popular; 選1的缺點no time for extra academic activities/supplies
  3. 選2優勢 connections for future academic career
    • 選2優勢prize; research; job— 選1缺點no such opportunity



Attending a class taught by an award-winning professor, first, suggests an access to a far stronger knowledge base. Logically, the award earned is a shorthand of the professor’s academic qualification and expertise, which suggests the teacher is capable of interweaving specialist knowledge into the course in a compelling manner and saving all the fumbling hours. The award in the teacher’s research also suggests that the professor will offer useful guidance for students to commence independent research, leading them to touch on knowledge sources unconfined by textbooks and classroom. Mapping out routes for students to hunt for knowledge on their own, in many ways, outweighs passively offering instructions by the teacher alone.

By contrast, popular professors—having too many students to teach and take care of—are often distracted by the attempts to have students stay focused, failing to provide quality instructions with equally rich knowledge contents.





考試時間 2018年8月托福綜合寫作題目 分類 類型
8月25日 如何除去問題竹子 生物類 可行性分析
8月26日 控制扁形蟲在歐洲的擴張



What the reading proposes are three possible measures to contain the rampage of New Guinean flatworms in Europe. These proposed solutions, as the lecturer argues however, are not necessary effective/useful.

It is believed, first, that introducing the predators of New Guinean flatworms—such as local birds in New Guinea—may achieve biological control. This belief, nonetheless, is quickly refuted by the lecturer, who argues that migrating an exotic species itself may become a threat, while the birds actually seldom feed on such flatworms due to their awful tastes.

What is also brought up by the reading is using chemicals to hold the flatworm plague in check. Countering this idea, the lecturer contends that there is no potently/powerfully effective pesticide available for the problem; the only useful pesticide is Lindane—with very limited success.

Also mentioned, then, is fertilizing and rumpling the soil, which thus enhance the temperature of the soil and kill the worms still in the eggs. This proposal, pitifully, is still questioned by the lecturer because it is fairly difficult for the soil to reach the heat to destroy the eggs of flatworms simply through soil fertilization.



  1. Is it the best way to improve the quality of education in a country if teachers’ salaries are increased?
  2. Do you agree or disagree with the following statement: All school teachers should be required to take courses every five years to update their knowledge.
  3. Do you agree or disagree with the following statement: Teachers had a greater influence on young people in the past than they do today.
  4. Do you agree or disagree with the following statement: Parents should allow children to make mistakes and let them learn from their own mistakes.
  5. Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? Young people today are more likely to help others than young people in the past.
  6. The personal and work-related challenges that young people face today are not very different from the challenges their parents and grandparents faced in the past.
  7. Some people like to record their life by sharing pictures and other information on social-networking sites. Others keep this information to themselves and never share it online. Which do you prefer and why?
  8. Do you agree or disagree with the following statement: It is always better to purchase in large stores than in several small shops that specialize in different items.
  9. The students nowadays do not respect the teachers as much as the students in the past.
  10. Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? In modern times, grandparents cannot give their grandchildren useful advice because the world of today and the world of 50 years ago are too different.








