
2018年12月7日菁英托福機經班提供給同學們的講義完全命中2018年12月16日考的犀牛題:restoring rhinos (點我看作答範本)。菁英研究團隊為同學們整理出做12月份的寫作分析和2019年1月的考題預測。


考試時間 考試題目 考試主題 題型
12月01日 Is it as important for older people to learn and study new things as young people to do so? 生活類 事實類
12月08日 One can learn a lot about another person by books and movies that person likes. 友誼類 事實類
12月15日 Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? For success in school and work, the ability to adapt or adjust to a changing condition or circumstance is more important than having excellent knowledge of a job or in a field of study. Use specific reasons and details to support your answer. 命中 生活類 選擇類
12月16日 Some teachers prefer to record the lecture in advance so that students can familiarize first. And students will practice what they have learned from the lecture in the class. Do you consider this a good way to teach? 命中 教育類 事實類


Is it as important for older people to learn and study new things as young people to do so?


請問您贊成或反對以下的論點? 年長者和年輕人一樣的學習新事物是很重要的。


not as important
on several grounds:
1. pressure
2. scope
3. purpose


破題句 That learning new things speaks of less importance for old people, lastly, is seen in their purpose of learning different from youngsters’. 反例 For the younger students, building up a stronghold of knowledge on the blocks of new learnings is intended to shine in academics; for the young workers, mastering a new skill is aimed to lay a solid foundation for a brighter future career. 支持 Elder people, however, channel time and effort to new learnings for some purposes that are less practical or less interest-oriented. When they come to approach cooking, chess, or manipulate a chic electronic device such as i-pad, they do not mean to become a promising candidate for a renowned university or lucrative job; they just learn for fun, to dissipate time in retirement, or to have more common grounds with their pals and grandchildren. The purposes are materially different.





考試時間 2018年12月托福綜合寫作題目 分類 類型
12月01日 伊利運河(Erie Canal)在建造前有很多反對意見 歷史類 可行性分析
12月08日 主張腓尼基人(Phoenician)不是最先抵達非洲的 歷史類 原因分析
12月15日 三種保護松樹不被甲蟲攻擊的自然方法 生物類 可行性分析
12月16日 保護瀕危犀牛的三個困難 生物類 可行性分析

完全命中 12/16「保護瀕危犀牛的三個困難」作答範本

Introduced by the writer are the proposals accounting for the disadvantages of holding rhinos in captivity to restore them. Although the proposals appear reasonable, the speaker is not convinced and counter them accordingly.

The reading first presents that holding rhinos in captivity will lead the female rhinos to be unable to reproduce their offspring. However, as the lecture suggests, the real reason leading to the failure of pregnancy is not captivity but the absence of two types of hormones—which can be added in their diets.

Another problem of keeping rhinos in captivity is the rhinos tend to shuffle to and fro within the cages, and this will cause walking problems for the rhinos. However plausible this argument appears, the speaker counters again that the foot problems could be pre-empted with radio graphic imaging facility, showing the signs of problematic bone tissues and therefore initiating early curing.

Confining the rhinos to cages, finally, may bring the young rhinos’ brains to degenerate and be disoriented. The speaker argues, nonetheless, such problems should not be attributed to caging but to the female rhinos’ old age when giving birth to their young because elder rhinos may pass a toxic chemical to their descendants, which could be addressed by having rhinos reproduce at a young age.




  1. Which do you think is the best way for a student to make friends? Use specific examples to support your choice.
    i. joining a sports team
    ii. participating in community activities
    iii. traveling
  2. In times of an economic crisis, in which area should governments reduce its spending?
    i. Arts
    ii. Scientific research
    iii. Parks and public gardens
  3. Which is the most important thing for a country leader to assure the prosperity of the country:
    i. create more jobs for employed workers
    ii. increasing agriculture and lower the food prices
    iii. increase access to affordable houses
  4. Which one of the following is the most important action for the government to take for the protection of natural environment?
    i. fund research on new energy sources such as solar and wind power
    ii. preserve natural places such as forests and natural wildlife species
    iii. pass and enforce laws to reduce the pollution produced by companies and industries


  1. Do you agree or disagree with the statement: In order to succeed, it is better to be like others rather than different from everybody else.
  2. Do you agree or disagree with the following statement?
  3. People who have learned many different skills are more likely to succeed than those who focus on learning only one skill.
  4. Do you agree or disagree with the following statement?
  5. For young people to succeed in learning a musical instrument, it is better to let them learn in a way they want rather than regulate their learning with many rules.
  6. Do you agree or disagree with the following statement?








