
8月份口說考題沒有見到2017年超級主題「三選一」題型的蹤跡,Task 4和Task 6的主題分佈也很平均。Task 1按問法分為4種類型:「3選1」、「開放觀點」、「建議」和「描述」,Task 2則主要會出現「2選1」類和「是非類」2種類型。


考試時間 考試題目 題型問法
8月25日 Task 1
Task 2
In your opinion, do you think the library is the place for friends to meet and discuss over homework aside from borrowing books and studying?
8月26日 Task 1
Describe at least one advantage and disadvantage of taking college pre-courses.
Task 2

從「題型問法」中我們看到,Task 1 出現了「開放觀點」和「描述類」的題型。Task 2 只出現「是非類」的題目。主題方面,從題目總表我們發現,本月還是以「校園相關」為主。

2018/8/26 Task 1口說考題作答範本

Describe at least one advantage and disadvantage of taking college pre-courses.

Taking college pre-courses could be both a boon and a bane for high-school students. For one thing, such courses could help the pupils to gauge the difficulty of the major and better determine whether they are up to it or whether it suits their disposition and interest. On the other hand, this practice, by offering more advanced instructions and knowledge on specific subjects—such as math and language—does ramp up students’ academic skills to a certain degree. However, these possible advantages should not blind them to the potential problems: the pre-courses are often conducted when students are turning from 11th to 12th grade; in a sense, these courses will put extra strain on the students who are already burdened with a lot of academic requirements as they are preparing for applying for college. Moreover, as the contents of pre-courses are more difficult, some students already lagging behind may find it more challenging to catch up, breeding repulsion toward such courses, the learning itself and even the future major as a whole.

先修課pre-courses是托福考試裡面很常出現的議題,若題目裡出現at least one想拿高分勢必要提出2-3個論點才足夠。 作答範本裡分別提出2個advantages 和2個disadvantages


Task 3 + Task 5:校園場景相關

TASK 3 聽力觀點

TASK 3 閱讀主題

TASK 5 主題

Task 3贊成和反對觀點出現一半一半的機率,Task 5主題少了常出現的「時間衝突」取而代之的是「住宿」和「意外」相關主題。針對「反對觀點」的題目,必須針對該題的閱讀和聽力內容結構分析;閱讀中一般會出現2個理由,而聽力中,則會針對這2點理由提出疑問,接著根據這樣的因素再提供細節,我們用以下8/25的Task 3中文key note來印證這樣的邏輯吻合實際考試內容。


1. 鐘是學校的著名象徵,想到鐘就想到學校。
2. 鐘能提醒學生時間。


1. 覺得建築物才是學校象徵,而且大家都看鐘、不需要聽它的聲音。
2. 大家都有手錶或者手機,不需要鐘來提醒時間。

2018/8/25 Task 3口說考題反對觀點作答範本

The reading passage brings up that the school intends to use the donated money to renovate a clock that has been sitting on the campus’ facade. It should be renovated for two reasons: first, the school is renowned for the well-designed clock, and second, this device will help remind students of the class time. Not convinced by the reading’s descriptions, the speaker counters, saying the fund should not go to the clock because the buildings themselves stand as the symbol of the school rather than the clock. Besides, at present, people can well tell the time by looking at their watches or phones and there is no need to use the clock as the time-reminder.

黃色highlight的部分為閱讀,裡面說明了2個學校需要修鐘的理由,其它部分則為聽力裡面反對其觀點的2個資訊。Task 3算是口說中較簡單的一個題型,主要為擷取聽力和閱讀重點加以summarize即可得分。

Task 5是speaking裡面需要較高答題技巧的題型,要在短時間內完成Summarize、做出選擇、說明原因,缺一不可。 若一旦任何一關卡卡住了或是一開始方向錯誤就全盤皆錯。以下提供8月份考題Task 5範文,標註的數字符號①②③和即對應三步驟的順序。

2018/8/26 Task 5口說考題作答範本

As the passage suggests, the speaker is faced with a dilemma. As the chair of the business club, she is responsible for distributing a Christmas present to the members. However, many of customized cups as the gift are flawed. To fix the problem, she has to call the manufacturer and ask it to re-do the cups; however, she has to wait a while after they are manufactured again and mail the cups one by one to the members. The alternative, additionally, is to distribute a new T-shirt to the members as the backup plan, but this substitute is not unique. Were I in this situation, my choice would be still sticking to the custom-made cups for two obvious reasons. One, since I am the chair responsible for this very task, I am responsible for fixing it up. And also, a special occasion calls for a special gift so that the gift-receiver will not think the chair is only scamping on them.

Task 4 + Task 6:學術場景相關



8月份Task 4 & Task 6的主題分佈很整齊,一半為「心理學」,另一半則為「生物學」。第6題的重點為Paraphrase 改述,在8月26日的考試題目中出現的是關於動物如何在凍土地區尋找非常有限的資源。並列舉了兩個能力:

  1. 定位食物的能力:有一種動物的鼻子很厲害,可以聞到冰雪下面的食物,當發現食物時就可以用爪子刨開冰來獲取。
  2. 消化道裡有一種特殊的物質:某種動物消化道有一種特殊的酶,可以幫助消化一種其他生物難以消化的植物。



  1. Describe the reasons why music is important to people.
  2. Is the ability to write more important than in the past?
  3. What is the most ideal way for education in the future?
    • study at home
    • online distance learning
    • in-class study
  4. What is the most important quality to be a good parent?
    • patience
    • a strong finance
    • knowledge
  5. Which way do you think is the best to get to know a city? [One out of three topic]
    • Attend an organized package tour.
    • Visit the city’s history museum as a visitor.
    • Take a random walk on its street.
  6. Describe why movies are so popular.
    How is your generation different from your parents’ generation?
  7. Describe the reasons why music is important to people.
    Is the ability to write more important than in the past?
  8. What is the most ideal way for education in the future?
    • study at home
    • online distance learning
    • in-class study
  9. What is the most important quality to be a good parent?
    • patience
    • a strong finance
    • knowledge
  10. Some people prefer jobs that require them to work mostly with computers and other technology. Others prefer jobs that do not require them to work with much technology. Which type of job would you prefer, why?
  11. Some people believe old people should not take risk and participate adventurous events as the young people. Do you agree? Why?








