
7月份口說考題,Task 1還是出現考生聞風喪膽的大怪獸「三選一」題型,Task 4 & Task 6主題變得比之前多元。接下來請看菁英托福研究團隊為各位準備的7月回顧與8月預測。


Task 1 & 2跟托福寫作獨立題型相似,都會出現需要分類和選擇,像是令考生頭痛的「3選1」題型。若更細分;Task 1按照题目問法可以分為:「3選1」、「開放觀點」、「建議」和「描述」4種類型,Task 2則主要會出現「2選1類」和「是非類」2種類型。

考試時間 考試題目 題型問法
7月01日 Task 1
If a children museum is going to have an exhibition, which of the following theme will be the most attractive to children?
  1. robot technology
  2. deep sea marine
  3. solar system
Task 2
Do you agree or disagree with the following statement?
We should be completely honest and open with friends.
7月07日 Task 1
If the government has a large sum of money, which area would suggest the government invest to?
  1. Space exploration
  2. Education
  3. Health care.
Task 2
What is the common mistake parents would make while teaching their children?
7月08日 Task 1
What is the common mistake parents would make while teaching their children?
Task 2
Should the teachers write down the comments for students on their homework or should the teachers talk to students individually after class?
7月14日 Task 1
Do you think it is a good idea for parents to give kids monetary reward if they have good grades in school?
Task 2
Do you agree or disagree with the following statement: it is never too late to get a degree in university.

從「題型問法」中Task 1 出現了「3選1」和「開放觀點類」題型。Task 2 則是只有「是非類」的題目。至於主題方面,本月還是以「校園」為主,但也出現很多parenting相關的題目,值得留意。

2018/7/1 Task 1 口說考題3選1題型作答範本

A museum is about to build a new section, which do you think is the best choice:

  1. a robotic technology section
  2. a marine creature section
  3. a section dedicated to solar system exploration

When a museum is about to build a new section, it certainly has many themes to choose from, such as robotic technology, marine creatures or solar system. To add more fun and sparks to a museum visit, nonetheless, a robotic-technology section will be a wiser idea. True, marine creatures are fascinating; however, the facility maintenance, space and feeding job are costly and laborious. Exploring the solar system enhances visitors'knowledge, but it may involve many profound astronomical terms or ideas that disorient youngsters or populations not inspired by academics. Differently, a section dedicated to robotic technology not only caters to visitors across all ages, the displays and definitions also present knowledge that could be applied to people’s life at present and in the near future. Most importantly, such section will help visitors to catch a glimpse of artificial intelligence, which is bound to be important issue for the humankind.

3選1的題目不能只選其中一個,然後講理由,而是選定一個 之後和其它兩個 來做比較。先講出不選其他兩個 的原因再導入選定那個 的理由,才能得到高分。答題範本內 代表優點; 代表缺點。


Task 3 + Task 5:校園場景相關

TASK 3 聽力觀點

TASK 3 閱讀主題

TASK 5 主題

7月和6月Task 3中出現相同的閱讀主題都是「校園相關政策」,只是聽力出現100%全面反對觀點的現象。Task 5 的主題為「學習相關」和很愛考的「時間衝突」。2018年5月【托福口說】考題預測、4月考情分析 文章中也提過針對「反對觀點」的題目,必須對於此類題目的閱讀和聽力結構來分析;閱讀中一般會出現兩個優點或理由,而聽力中,則會針對這兩點理由提出疑問,如提出此政策的漏洞和忽略的點,接著根據這樣的因素再提供細節,如此一來,聽力中闡述概括性的、閱讀中所缺漏或忽視因素佔據了一定時間,後面給出的細節其實訊息量不會特別大。

2018/7/7 Task 3 口說考題作答範本

What has been argued in the two passages is whether the college should hold art workshop on weekend. As the reading suggests, this practice will benefit both students whose major is not art and those majoring art. While the former have an opportunity to learn more about art without worrying being flunk, the latter will have more opportunities to practice making artistic works from different dimensions. The lecturer, however, disagrees by saying there are already similar art-related courses that are not graded. Besides, this practice will not benefit art majors, either, because the creative assignments of the workshops will take a long time to finish, so they have to spend more time in the classroom doing a piece of sculpture.

答案範本裡,就是一個完整的例子:黃色highlight的部分為閱讀,裡面說明了2個學校要增加美術討論會的理由,其它部分則為聽力裡面反對其觀點的2個資訊。Task 3主要為summarize聽力和閱讀的重點,考試時多利用分析答題脈絡,擷取聽力和閱讀重點加以summarize即可,算是口說中較簡單的一個題型。

Task 5是口說裡面難度較高的題目,托福口說有沒有25分或以上,重點都在Task 5。主事要Task 5回答的步驟比較多;要歷經3步驟:首先要先summarize,很多考生在這一步驟就陣亡了,更別說再來還要做出選擇,最後再講原因。大神也特別將每個部份大致上要說幾句話做了整理。最後也提供答題的範本給大家參考。Task 5範文標註的數字符號①②③和即對應下方三步驟的順序。

1. Summarize
2. 做出選擇
3. 說明原因

2018/7/14 Task 5 口說考題作答範本

According to the passage, the woman is facing a dilemma over her assignment for a literature class. That is, she has to turn in a short story before class; however, she is not inspired by this assignment while she has to prepare another midterm test tomorrow. As an alternative, she thinks she could write a poem instead, which is not only more inspiring to her but also shorter so she has extra time for the exam, though the professor may not accept such change. Were I in this situation, my choice would be writing a poem instead. The reasons are easy: first, since I am more interested in poems, I will do a great job in this task rather than raking the brain for a short story that may not impress the professor. Second, while the exam could be better prepared, the professor may like this bold idea and give me a better grade.

Task 4 + Task 6:學術場景相關



7月份的主題分佈較6月份來的多元。Task 4的主題主要為「商業相關」另外也還包含「生物」和「心理學」。而Task 6的部分則75%為「生物學」另外也出現了「商業」的題目。

2018/7/14 Task 6 口說考題作答範本

The listening passage is dedicated to exploring how a marine creature, though without the ability to make locomotion, could still achieve feeding. There are two feeding strategies being observed. The first is called the “active” strategy, meaning this creature is fitted with poisonous thorns and tentacles so that the fish or small animals swimming by could be caught and numbed by such biological weapons. The other is called the “passive” strategy, which suggests that the creature could also supplement its diet by collecting the detritus floating in the sea that could also supply nutrients to the creature.

第六題的重點為Paraphrase 改述,此題為描述海洋中的動物怎麼獲取食物。


Task 1 & Task 2 則要多留意先前寫作部分考的內容。
Task 3 & Task 4皆為「校園相關」問題
Task 5 則為「難處解決」的問題。
Task 6則是跟閱讀section同步。

  1. Do you agree or disagree with the following statement?
    Telephone has greater influence on people’s lives than television has.
  2. Do you agree or disagree with the following statement?
    Movies and TV programs made in one’s own country are more interesting than those made in other countries.
  3. Do you agree or disagree with the following statement?
    Parents nowadays pay more attention to children's education than parents in the past.
  4. Do you agree or disagree with the following statement?
    People should not pay for the public transportation
  5. Do you agree or disagree with the following statement?
    An effective leader should try to make others feel that they are part of the decision making process.
  6. Do you agree or disagree with the following statement?
    Technology which makes people's lives simpler in turn makes people's lives more complicated.
  7. Do you agree or disagree with the following statement?
    It is more important to remain happy and optimistic when you fail.
  8. Do you agree or disagree with the following statement?
    It is important for people to present their talents and abilities to influential people or potential employers.
  9. Do you agree or disagree with the following statement?
    It is better to take a secure job with a low pay than to take a job with a high pay but is easy to lose.
  10. Do you agree or disagree with the following statement?
    The best way to improve the quality of education in a country is to increase teachers’ salaries.
  11. Do you agree or disagree with the following statement?








