
回顧11月托福口說考題,果真如2018年11月【托福口說】考題預測、10月考情分析文章中預料的一樣,3選1題型又再考,提到的「校園」、「教育」和「小朋友」相關主題也都有出現。整合型的出題方向變得比較多元和分散;Task 4和Task 6分別出現了三個主題,唯一重疊的主題只有「生物學」。Task 5主題也出現了5種之多,除了和前幾個月較常出現的「時間衝突」和「金錢問題」之外又多了學習、住宿和人際的相關問題。


考試時間 考試題目 題型問法
11月04日 Task 1
The university received funds from alumni, which of the following activities should use the money:
1. screen movie
2. outdoor music concert
3. video games
Task 2
Do you agree that it is easier to be an adult than a child?
11月10日 Task 1
If one of your friends complains that he couldn’t fall asleep before an important event, what advice would you like to offer to help him relax and go to sleep?
Task 2
Do you agree or disagree with the following statement?
Employees shouldn’t send personal text or emails during work hours.
Explain why.
11月11日 Task 1
Many people move to new place for working or schooling. What are the disadvantages of moving to a new place and why? Include reasons and details to support your idea.
Task 2
Do you think children should listen to the news on the radio or should watch news on TV at an early age?
11月17日 Task 1
Your friend wants to purchase a car, but he needs a part-time job to afford it. What advice would you give to him?
Task 2
Your school plans to open the class to the externals for free. They can join the class, but they won’t get any credits. What is your opinion on this policy?
11月24日 Task 1
Which of the following ways could help freshmen get used to the school?
1. Letting freshmen partner sophomore
2. Hosting orientation
3. Building help center
Task 2
If you are having a job interview with a company distant from your place, will you accept telephone interview?
11月25日 Task 1
Which of the following things is the most important when choosing dormitory?
1. a friendly roommate
2. enough space of storage
3. near supermarkets or restaurants
Task 2
Community wants to help old people feel more comfortable with computers. Which one do you think better? Give lectures to all elder people together or recruit students to tutor the elderly individually?

從「題型問法」中Task 1 出現了「3選1」、「開放觀點」和「建議類」題型,「描述類」題型本月缺席。Task 2出現「是非類」和「2選1」題目。至於主題方面,本月還是以「校園相關」為主,其它像是「小朋友」、「工作」、「朋友」和「教育」等相關主題也有出現。以下用難度較高的3選1的題型為各位同學做講解與說明。

2018/11/25 Task 1口說3選1新題作答範例

In your opinion, which criterion is most important for college students to choose a suitable dormitory?
a. a friendly roommate
b. offering enough space of storage
c. in proximity to supermarkets or restaurants

利用主題句快速破題 When it comes to choosing a suitable dormitory, the most important concern is whether it is close to supermarkets or restaurants. 推翻選項A的理由 True, having a nice and friendly roommate is important, but throughout the entire college life, you may not spend much time with him or her given your different time for class and all kinds of activities, so it is not the No. 1 concern. 推翻B的理由 On the other hand, a dormitory is only temporary accommodation, so it will not require roomy, cozy space to house a lot of personal belongings; it just needs space for the basics, such as books, a desk and a bed. 選擇C的理由 Differently, strong academic performances suggest the candidate’s strength in some way, many cases demonstrate that schoolwork and work in business are not on the same page. being in close proximity to supermarkets or restaurants is vital because people eat on a daily basis in the first place; besides, while supermarkets sell other daily essentials, clothes and entertainments, restaurants provide a nice spot for socialization and delicious meals to reward one’s academic efforts from time to time.


Task 3 + Task 5:校園場景相關

TASK 3 聽力觀點

TASK 3 閱讀主題

TASK 5 主題

11月份Task 3的閱讀主題維持常見的「校園政策」占67%和「學生建議」33%。Task 5主題變得較為分散,除了常考的「時間衝突」和「金錢問題」還多了「住宿」、「人際」和「學習」問題。
Task 5是托福口說中最難的一題,主要是因為面對這樣的題型,考生需要在短時間內快速瞭解題目馬上分析,另外還需加上一點想像力才能順利解題。因此會建議考生們練習口說時要特別針對第5題多加練習。

Task 4 + Task 6:學術場景相關



11月份的Task 4 「心理學」和「生態學」主題變成主力,各占了40%,「生物」主題出現的機率只佔20%。Task 6的主題,「商業學」變成大宗,佔了50%,再來為「生物學」33%,「藝術學」只佔17%。
Task 6題型重點:1. describe a situation or a problem、2. only paraphrase。11月份的托福考試,生物主題不管在Task 4或是Task 6都有出現,所以特別挑出11月4日的考試作答示範給同學們參考。

2018/11/04 Task 6口說考題作答範本

Explored in the passage are the two principal ways to hypothesize dinosaurs’ physical features. The first strategy is to compare their bone structures to those of related modern animals. As birds use their wings to maintain their balance, dinosaurs may also be fitted with similar physiological adaptations to keep balanced while running. Another strategy is to refer to their imprints left in the mud. If the imprints suggest the shape of a long tail, they suggest that the dinosaurs were equipped with long tails trailing the ground.



  1. How was it when you went to school for the first time? Did you like it or not and why?
  2. Describe one of the most popular websites in your country? Explain why it is popular with details or examples.
  3. Leaving some time for group discussion in class is beneficial for study. Do you agree or not?
  4. What do you think is the most important thing that parents should teach their children? Please include details in your response.
  5. Some students prefer to study alone. Others prefer to study with a group of students. Which do you prefer?
  6. Describe why movies are so popular. How is your generation’s movie different from your parents’ generation’s movies?
  7. Describe the reasons why music is important to people. Is the ability to write more important than in the past?
  8. What is the most ideal way for education in the future?
    • a.study at home
    • b.online distance learning
    • c.in-class study =
  9. What is the most important quality to be a good parent?
    • a.patience
    • b.a strong finance
    • c.knowledge
  10. Some people prefer jobs that require them to work mostly with computers and other technology. Others prefer jobs that do not require them to work with much technology. Which type of job would you prefer, why








