Children’s Literature

2018/6/25, Taiwan
Cambridge, 10-2-3 Museums of Line Art and Their Public Art

兒童文學以兒童為對象的故事及詩歌有一段極其悠長的歷史。以「搖籃曲」為例,據說傳唱源於羅馬時代,另外一些兒童遊戲及童謠也差不多在該時期出現。根據文學作品有紀錄以來,孩童們時常抓緊機會取得故事書的複印本,像是伊索寓言,各種奇幻故事、傳說與浪漫故事,但早期有許多作品並非專為幼童所寫,這時實際以兒童為導向的文學作品開始了它們發聲的過程。直到 18 世紀中期,兒童文學累積了一定數量的年輕讀者及家長,讓出版社樂於發行專屬兒童的讀物⋯⋯

1. exceedingly adj. 極其;特別

The center of the Earth is exceedingly hot.

2. ballad n. 民謠;敘事詩

Elders prefer ballads than the pop songs.

3. seize v. 抓住

Lora has seized the opportunity to acquire a raise.
Lora 把握住了爭取加薪的機會。

4. cater v. 使滿足需求

Parents usually cater to their children’s requests.

5. anticipate v. 預判;預期

Humans always try to anticipate natural disasters in order to lower the damage.

6. tribute n. 頌辭;貢獻物;致敬

After their son died in the war, the parents accepted the tribute from the country at the funeral.

7. pirate v. 盜印

There are a lot of pirated editions of the new album.

8. decreed v. 頒布法令

The government decreed a law that wearing a mask in public is prohibited.

9. diversion n. 消遣

Playing basketball is John’s favorite diversion.
打籃球是 John 最喜歡的消遣活動。

10. condemned adj. 宣判有罪的

The public servant was condemned for taking bribes from the local enterprises.


Children’s Literature

Stories and poems aimed at children have an exceedingly long history: lullabies, for example, were sung in Roman times, and a few nursery games and rhymes are almost as ancient. Yet so far as written-down literature is concerned, while there were stories in print before 1700 that children often seized on when they had the chance, such as translations of Aesop’s fables, fairy-stories and popular ballads and romances, these were not aimed at young people in particular. Since the only genuinely child-oriented literature at this time would have been a few instructional works to help with reading and general knowledge, plus the odd Puritanical tract as an aid to morality, the only course for keen child readers was to read adult literature. This still occurs today, especially with adult thrillers or romances that include more exciting, graphic detail than is normally found in the literature for younger readers.

By the middle of the 18th century there were enough eager child readers, and enough parents glad to cater to this interest, for publishers to specialize in children’s books whose first aim was pleasure rather than education or morality. In Britain, a London merchant named Thomas Boreham produced Cajanus, The Swedish Giant in 1742, while the more famous John Newbery published A Little Pretty Pocket Book in 1744. Its contents, rhymes, stories, children’s games plus a free gift (‘A ball and a pincushion’). In many ways anticipated the similar lucky-dip contents of children’s annuals this century. It is a tribute to Newbery’s flair that he hit upon a winning formula quite so quickly, to be pirated almost immediately in America.

Such pleasing levity was not to last. Influenced by Rousseau, whose Emile (1762) decreed that all books for children save Robinson Crusoe were a dangerous diversion, contemporary critics saw to it that children’s literature should be instructive and uplifting. Prominent among such voices was Mrs. Sarah Trimmer, whose magazine The Guardian of Education (1802) carried the first regular reviews of children’s books. It was she who condemned fairy-tales for their violence and general absurdity; her own stories, Fabulous Histories (1786) described talking animals that were always models of sense and decorum.

So the moral story for children was always threatened from within, given the way children have of drawing out entertainment from the sternest moralist. But the greatest blow to the improving children’s book was to come from an unlikely source indeed: early 19th-century interest in folklore…

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