The Mozart Effect

2018/5/12, 2017/9/20
劍橋雅思 12-3-3 Music and the Emotions

莫扎特效應-音樂治療法長久以來,音樂經常被拿來當作洗滌身心的工具。在 Ebers 文獻中(大約公元前1550 年,有史以來最早期的醫療文獻之一),裡面記載了當時的治療師以歌唱的方式進行治療。在各個文化當中,我們觀察到歌唱是治療儀式的一部分。然而在西方的醫療界中,音樂療法在廣播的出現後而逐漸式微。研究者後續研究發現,音樂可以緩和焦慮及降低血壓。除了前述兩個範疇之外,音樂也被用在減低化療期間噁心反應、緩解生產期間賀爾蒙分泌異常及中風後復健。結果顯示,音樂也能降低疼痛感,並增強免疫系統效能。在日本,經過編輯後的音樂也被拿來當做一種治療藥方,例如你想要治療頭痛或偏頭痛,可聆聽孟德爾頌的 “Spring Song”,德弗札克的 “Humoresque”,或是喬治葛希文的 “An American in Paris” ......

chant v. 頌唱;歌詠

We could hear the monk chanting in the morning.

popularity n. 流行,聲望

Due to the restaurant's popularity at the weekends, reservations are recommended.

therapist n. 治療師

The therapist told us we have to keep our grandparents company; they will be healthier than living in loneliness.

chemotherapy n. 化療

Mary refused to do the chemotherapy because she’s afraid of the side effects.

compilation n. 彙編;編纂

This album is a compilation of Beatles’ greatest hits on billboards.

migraine n. 偏頭痛

My father has suffered from migraine for a long time.

correlation n. 關聯性;關係

There's a correlation between smoking and lung cancer.

relaxation n. 休閒

Watching TV series is one of my favorite relaxations.

hypothesis n. 假設

There is no data to accept or refute this hypothesis.

neural adj. 神經的

The serious car accident has done the damage to Bill’s neural system.
這場嚴重的車禍傷害了 Bill 的神經系統。


The Mozart Effect

Music has been used for centuries to heal the body. In the Ebers Papyrus (one of the earliest medical documents, circa 1550 B.C.), it was recorded that physicians chanted to heal the sick (Castleman, 1994). In various cultures, we have observed singing as part of healing rituals. In the world of Western medicine, however, using music in medicine lost popularity until the introduction of the radio. Researchers then started to notice that listening to music could have significant physical effects. Therapists noticed music could help calm anxiety and researchers saw that listening to music could cause a drop in blood pressure. In addition to these two areas, music has been used with cancer chemotherapy to reduce nausea, during surgery to reduce stress hormone production, during childbirth, and in stroke recovery (Castleman, 1994 and Westley, 1998). It has been shown to decrease pain as well as enhance the effectiveness of the immune system. In Japan, compilations of music are used as medication of sorts. For example, if you want to cure a headache or migraine, the album suggested is Mendelssohn’s ‘Spring Song’, Dvorak's ‘Humoresque’, or part of George Gershwin’s ‘An American in Paris’ (Campbell, 1998). Music is also being used to assist in learning, in a phenomenon called the Mozart Effect.

Frances H. Rauscher, Ph.D., first demonstrated the correlation between music and learning in an experiment in 1993. His experiment indicated that a 10-minute dose of Mozart could temporarily boost intelligence. Groups of students were given intelligence tests after listening to silence, relaxation tapes, or Mozart’s Sonata for Two Pianos in D Major for a short time. He found that after silence, the average IQ score was 110, and after the relaxation tapes, score rose a point. After listening to Mozart, however, the score jumped to 119 (Westley, 1998). Even students who did not like the music still had an increased score in the IQ test. Rauscher hypothesised that “listening to complex, non-repetitive music, like Mozart, may stimulate neural pathways that are important in thinking” (Castleman, 1994).

The same experiment was repeated on rats by Rauscher and Hong Hua Li from Stanford. Rats also demonstrated enhancement in their intelligence performance. These new studies indicate that rats that were exposed to Mozart showed “increased gene expression of BDNF (a neural growth factor), CREB (a learning and memory compound), and Synapsin I (a synaptic growth protein) ” in the brain’s hippocampus, compared with rats in the control group, which heard only white noise (e.g. the whooshing sound of a radio tuned between stations).

How exactly does the Mozart effect work? Researchers are still trying to determine the actual mechanisms for the formation of these enhanced learning pathways.

Neuroscientists suspect that music can actually help build and strengthen connections between neurons in the cerebral cortex in a process similar to what occurs in brain development despite its type. When a baby is born, certain connections have already been made—like connections for heartbeat and breathing. As new information is learned and motor skills develop, new neural connections are formed. Neurons that are not used will eventually die while those used repeatedly will form strong connections. Although a large number of these neural connections require experience, they must also occur within a certain time frame. For example, a child born with cataracts cannot develop connections within the visual cortex. If the cataracts are removed by surgery right away, the child’s vision develops normally. However, after the age of 2, if the cataracts are removed, the child will remain blind because those pathways cannot establish themselves.

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