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話題: what is the differences betwee...

what is the differences betwee... 9 年 2 個月 ago #35

  • nathaniei
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what is the differences between on the corner and in the corner? also in the bed and on the bed

Dear, 1. On the corner is outs... 9 年 2 個月 ago #36

  • tasha
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Dear, 1. On the corner is outside the building, and it is on the ground near the corner, while in the corner is inside the building.Thus, if I tell you that "I will wait for you on the corner by the telephone booth," that means I will see you outside around the corner. But if I will ask you that "Can you help me pick up that coin in the corner?" then it means the coin is inside the house near the corner. 2. I remember "in the bed" doesn't exist, it should be replaced by "in bed." Therefore, referring to your question, "in bed" means to sleep in bed, whereas " on the bed" is to do anything but sleeping on the bed. So compare these two sentences: (a) The baby is sleeping in bed, (b) Jolin is doing yoga on the bed. If the questions are still haunted with you, ask again! Good luck and night.